Sunday, 25 March 2012

Get Rid of those clunky wires....

Have you ever calculated how many minutes we waste on un-tangling those clunky wires attached to our TV, cell phone, play station, DTH BOX etc...ONLY one word can solve your problem. WIRELESS...Sounds great naa...i can safely mention here that in the year 2012 almost every Audio/Video device we have has a wireless solution, save for those old Black and White Tvs (you never know, some tech geek might have solution to that too, with the wide range of options available these days).

Want a headset but no wires, Bluetooth headsets are here for your rescue, want to watch television for that late night blockbuster airing on a movie channel (Yes, they air the best blockbusters after 9 PM only, don't know why ??) and don't want to disturb your grandma, wireless headsets are here to save the world around you from NOISE pollution (Except for those extra decibels hitting your ear drum with the headsets on), available in both Infrared and Bluetooth options. Have a recent movie with HD print on your laptop, but always wanted to watch it on your Television and don't have that Blue-Ray player, wireless MEDIA streaming devices come to your rescue.

Now the latest Tech bit. Something that will revolutionize this decade, MOBILE CHARGING. Have you ever thought, how easy would it become for all of us if charging your portable devices (I pods, Mp3 players, Cell phones, PSP's) could be done wirelessly. YES !! No God Damn wires...i know everyone of us hates those thin Black strings attached to a Bulky black stone kind of a thing (Chargers i meant)..IMAGINE !! Getting rid of them....

Get yourself a piece of wireless technology today....It makes our already sooooo complicated life SIMPLER, BETTER and EASIER...
